Feral & VP: New Ports Upcoming. For How Long?
By ekianjo
Time to catch up with some news. Feral has unveiled very recently that they are working to port two major AAA titles to Linux (and Mac I guess…). One thing to note, none of them is frankly surprising. I would even say they were expected if Linux gaming continued as before. The first one is Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Windows release in September 2018), following the previous releases of Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider. If I am not mistaken this is the last episode of the trilogy so there is no new Tomb Raider coming after this one. At least for now. This reminds me I have yet to post my review of ROTR, and I shall do so shortly.
The second announcement relates to Dirt 4. It comes a little late, to be honest.