You Can Now Help Us Grow With Patreon


Hi Everyone! This year, we have decided to make easier for our readers to support our ongoing efforts to bring you news, reviews, videos, podcasts and features about the Linux Gaming world on a regular basis. You can now contribute financially via Patreon. All our activities take time (podcasts for example take dozens of hours to prepare and review) and servers are not free either. Ideally, we would like to be in a situation where we can cover our costs and be able to invest more in what we do.

I would like to emphasize that BoilingSteam is not turning into a paid service, and neither are we planning to force ads on non-Patreon contributors. By helping us, we will be able to cover our server costs, grab a few more games now and then to review, get some caffeine to ensure we stay awake a little longer to finish another great article, and maybe in the long run help us renew our hardware to ensure we can test several configurations (not just nVidia as we usually do, but AMD as well) to provide proper insights on hardware support.

So, if you happened to find any of our recent podcasts worth listening, if you thought some of our features were really informative, and if you can afford it, please consider supporting us. In return, we offer patreon supporters a tighter link to what we do. You will get access to our podcasts and longer articles before anyone else, and provide feedback if you wish to help us making it even better.

That’s it for today! You can check for more details on the Patreon page.