Proton/SteamPlay: More Games to Play on Linux


Proton is amazing, and it’s easy to lose sight of all that it can do. Here’s a few videos I picked up recently to showcase some of the latest tested games running on Linux via Proton/Steamplay, as captured in video.

Halo 2: Anniversary Edition, while we wait for Halo 4 at the end of the year in the Master Chief Collection.

Tell me Why

Disgaea 4

Halo Wars


Horizon Zero Dawn: finally working, but apparently not very stable and still suffering from bugs.

Hades from SuperGiant (Transistor)

Destroy All Humans, the remake of the old Xbox 1 game!

Conan Exiles

Battlefield 4

rFactor 2, the other simulation that’s constantly being updated year after year

And last but not least, Jedi Fallen Order:

That’s it for this time. Think about subscribing to those channels on Youtube so that you don’t miss out on the good stuff Linux gamers publish out there!