Podcast #16 With Luke Short: How far are we from having Steam on ChromeOS, and How the Steam Deck will change Linux Gaming


So we talked to Luke Short back around the end of December 2021, and while it’s a little delayed, we finally get to publish that conversation as a podcast. Luke Short has been very active in tracking the likely Steam integration into ChromeOS and while it has not officially happened yet, the tech stack is in place to make it possible. In this podcast we discuss:

  • How far is ChromeOS from integrating Steam and what would it take?
  • The results of Luke’s tests so far to make Steam work within ChromeOS
  • Luke’s expectations about the Steam Deck
  • Luke’s predictions about how the market is going to change after the Steam Deck is released

You can watch it on Youtube:

or if you prefer here’s a Peertube.